My current body of work, "Endless Summer," borrows its title from the iconic 1966 surf documentary. These gouache with collage works are a celebration of outdoor leisure culture that combine contemporary and midcentury imagery with paintings of geraniums and begonias. These vibrant flowering plants enjoyed a brief but enduring period of "Geraniamania" in the 1960s in the United States, securing their connection with the aesthetic of that time period. Similar to other popular houseplants, geraniums became so common they are now unremarkable in American landscape.
The title of the series, which in the 1960s simply referred to the idea of chasing waves around the world, holds different meaning in 2024 when once indigenous plants like coastal redwoods are struggling to get the cooler temperatures they require as summer heat starts earlier and lasts longer.
Nasturtium Float, 2024, Gouache on Archival Paper with Vintage and Contemporary Magazines, 14.5"x22"
Picking Popsicles, 2024, Gouache on Archival Paper with Vintage and Contemporary Magazines, 14"x18.5"
Cookie Cactus, 2024, Gouache on Archival Paper with Vintage and Contemporary Magazines, 11.5"x16"
Poppy Painkiller, 2024, Gouache on Archival Paper with Vintage and Contemporary Magazines, 15.75"x19.5"
Calamondin Drop Top, 2024, Gouache on Archival Paper with Vintage and Contemporary Magazines, 19.5" x 16"
Strawberry Jump Pool, 2023, Gouache on Archival Paper with Vintage and Contemporary Magazines, 12"x18"
Raspberry Paradise, 2024, Gouache on Archival Paper with Vintage and Contemporary Magazines, 14"x25.5"
Lemon Sunlight Pool, 2023, Gouache on Archival Paper with Vintage and Contemporary Magazines, 14"x10.5"
Scallop Jelly Wave, 2024, Gouache on Archival Paper with Vintage and Contemporary Magazines, 16"x11.75"
Watermelon Paddle, 2023, Gouache on Archival Paper with Vintage and Contemporary Magazines, 18"x18"
Surf Begonia, 2023, Gouache on Archival Paper with Vintage and Contemporary Magazines, 22.25"x9.5"
Lemon Squeeze, 2023, Gouache on Archival Paper with Vintage and Contemporary Magazines, 20"x14"
Anthurium Splash, 2023, Gouache on Archival Paper with Vintage and Contemporary Magazines, 12"x16"
Pineapple Links, 2024, Gouache on Archival Paper with Vintage and Contemporary Magazines, 20.5"x16"